Cali’s Diary


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Cali’s Diary is the flagship product of LarManuel that caters to pets and Pets’ owners across the globe. Cali is the name of a pet (Chihuahua) that is owned by our older daughter, Alicia Lartey. Alicia attended East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. She called us one day to say that she had purchased a dog for a pet.

Cali’s Diary is the flagship product of LarManuel that caters to pets and Pets’ owners across the globe. Cali is the name of a pet (Chihuahua) that is owned by our older daughter, Alicia Lartey. Alicia attended East Carolina University in Greenville, North Carolina. She called us one day to say that she had purchased a dog for a pet. We went to visit her in Greenville, NC, we got an opportunity to meet Cali. Because we were as though strangers to her, Cali did not gravitate to us immediately. Later, school closed for vacation; Alicia and Cali came to Winston-Salem, North Carolina for a couple of weeks. Throughout that time period of school, Alicia and Cali shuffled between Greenville, NC and Winston-Salem, NC until Alicia’s graduation. Upon graduation, they both moved to Daytona Beach, Florida. They both visited Montgomery, Alabama frequently and eventually moved to Baton Rogue, LA and lived for over a year. Because of Alicia’s new job, she and Cali moved to Santa Cruz, California. One morning as I was traveling with Solomon (our son), we began a conversation about his sister Alicia and her new environment of California. In the process, we began to discuss the many places to which Cali had traveled, both land and air. Solomon stated that Cali had traveled to more places than he had been. While returning home, the idea was born about a means by which all of the experience of a pet could be recorded. I called my business partner, Dr. Emmanuel Clarke and shared with him the idea of a pet diary. Out of that conversation, Cali’s Diary took on a life of its own. The idea of developing an app and a website became the order of the day.


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